Los Angeles

Bienen. Eine Meditation.

Concept and Text: Felix Rothenhäusler
Sound: Jo Flüeler, Moritz Widrig
Voice: Nadine Geyersbach
Movement: Laura von Ostrowski

produced in cooperation with Theater Bremen

"Bienen. Eine Meditation." had its premiere in June 2023 in Los Angeles. Conceived by theater director Felix Rothenhäusler during his 2021 residency, the piece is a meditative journey into the world of bees. A voice guided the visitors (nine at a time) down into a crop circle-like setting in the meadow at LA's creek and then deeper and deeper into the life and death of a bee. While lying in the grass with their eyes closed, the spectators felt the wind and the sun's heat and the story and the sounds from the surroundings interlaced.

  • Photos: Nicolas Wefers