Los Angeles


"Margot" is a 47:30 long documentary by Sarah Lehnerer about Günsterode's former midwife, the then 80 years old Margot Schmoll.

During several stays, Sarah worked on the film, that is conceived as a biopic and explores questions about the role of reproductive architectures in general and specifically addresses the evidence of reproductive labor related to the life of the village midwife. Margot helped bring hundreds of children into life, among them the artist Jonas von Ostrowski, who in turn is the founder of LOS ANGELES and built the House with clear Shapes and a complex Entrance. The continuous repetitions in "Margot"'s narrative form the basic structure of the film: an architecture of repetition.

The film premiered during La Barnale 2021 in LOS ANGELES. Since then, it has been accessible via a Ceramic QR code that sits in the kitchen of the House with clear Shapes and a complex Entrance as a coffee pot coaster as permanent sculpture for Los Angeles.

Watch the whole film here.